Thursday, November 22, 2012

What the hells that smell..

One night roaming the gym, I started conversing with a member.. Typical stuff.. how was workout and plans for the weekend... We start walking downstairs.  There was some aroma, sort of familiar.  The guy starts looking around and sniff.. I looked at him and said What the hells that smell..  He looked at me and said, "smells like fried chicken,"  I said if you eat chicken that smells like that you have issues.. We laugh, he walks out the front door.   I walk to front desk, and asked the guys what is the smell?..  One looked at me and motioned me to look over at the cafe tables.  So, I continue walking towards desk.. Then stopped and looked.. A woman was eating a half dozen or dozen of blue crabs.  WTH, came out of mouth before I even thought about it..  We all burst out laughing. Thinking who in there right mind would bring a bag of crabs to the gym and eat them?????  I just dont understand sometimes.. The lady never broke a stride of eating the crabs.  Looking at the table there was a mount of crab carcases and parts.. All one could shake my head..  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Beginning........

This was thought of after seeing some crazy stuff at the gym....  Things that make you wonder.. WTH..
Should be interesting..